Privacy Forms

1. Complaint Form
To file a complaint against Pattison Food Group Ltd. for allegedly failing to comply with the requirements of the Personal Information Protection Act (British Columbia and Alberta)

2. Consent Form
To consent to the collect, use and disclosure of personal information by Pattison Food Group Ltd.

3. Opt-Out Form
To notify Pattison Food Group Ltd. that I do not wish to have promotional and marketing information mailed or delivered to my attention

4. Request for Personal Information Form
To request to Pattison Food Group Ltd. a copy of my personal information

5. Request to Amend Record or Personal Information Form
To request that specific information about me be corrected and completed

6. Withdrawal of Consent Form
To withdraw my consent to the use and disclosure of my personal information by Pattison Food Group Ltd.

7. Withdrawal of Consent Form to RBC
To withdraw my consent to the use and disclosure of my personal information by Pattison Food Group Ltd. to the Royal Bank of Canada.